Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Diet Solution Program

Your "Must Have" Starter Kit To Permanent Weight Loss & Vibrant Health

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How to Lose Weight and keep it off permanently Starting Today!

  • Day 1: 3 Magic Tricks to jumpstart your Fat Loss right now
  • Day 2: How to use your Favorite “Fatty” foods to maximize your weight loss
  • Day 3: Exactly which carbs cause weight gain and which carbs cause weight loss…bonus video
  • Day 4: How to combat Dieting Pitfalls the easy way
  • Day 5: How much Protein is really necessary for maximized weight loss and muscle gain
  • Day 6: How to stay on your weight loss plan no matter what the situation
  • Day 7: Exactly what steps to follow to guarantee long term weight loss success

Here's some insight for ya...

Courtney Lovelace
Courtney Lovelace
“The first thing I’d like to do is say “thank you” to you for writing The Diet Solution Program. I had purchased Mike Geary’s “Truth About Abs” book and one of his emails pointed me in your direction. Much like many, many other people, I have struggled with my weight my entire life. My mom noticed before I could even talk that I LOVED food and since she had always struggled to stay thin, she attempted to “help” me through my youth and teen years, by joining me on the latest and greatest diet crazes. I would always lose the weight, and of course, would always put it back on. She did teach me the value of daily exercise, so I was never severely overweight, but there were times in my life when I was probably 30-40 pounds over my “ideal” weight. So, in the past few years, I’ve always felt like I could stand to lose at least 20 pounds, but adding more exercise never helped…it just made me more hungry and made me feel justified in eating more! Consequently, the weight never came off. I started your 6-week jumpstart guide in March of this year. In hindsight, I should have journaled more, but I’ve never been one to write things down. And I hate calorie counting!!! Anyway, it has been a (thankfully) slow process, but I have lost 18 pounds since then. I know the importance of taking weight off slowly…it means it’s more likely to stay off! I lost the first 12 pounds in 3 months while maintaining my same exercise routine of weight lifting and cardio (Mike Geary’s program). In May, I was introduced to a hot yoga routine taught at a local studio and decided to give it a try. I had been suffering with a painful IT band in my right leg for almost a year and thought it might be nice to take a break from the gym and work on healing my body. Since May, I lost the other 6 pounds through eating well and doing hot yoga almost daily. I have seen the most amazing changes in my body! It’s the best feeling when you see people who have known you for years and they say “Wow! You look tiny!” Me? Tiny? Are you nuts? Put on your glasses! But, then I remember that this is the smallest I’ve been since I was a freshman in high school, so why not? I guess since I see myself everyday, I don’t notice it as much. I have to say though, I have had to go get an ENTIRE new wardrobe. I wear 2-3 pants sizes smaller than I did earlier this year. It’s so great to try on clothes and like the way you look! The best part is, and I have to thank you for this, is that I’m not hungry. As you probably already know, I am a total protein type, so I am hungry A LOT. It is so wonderful to get to eat when you’re hungry and not to feel guilty because I’m putting great, healthy food into my body. Eating healthy isn’t cheap and it takes quite a bit of time (cooking) and dedication, but the benefits so outweigh the costs. Every time my parents would see me over the last few months, they would keep saying “wow, you’re looking great” and “you look so thin!” My mom has been on Weight Watchers for years and is always starving herself to “save her points” for a meal out or a big dinner with the family. And after a while, her weight would start to creep back up and she was eating unhealthy, chemical laded foods. My dad, whose entire menu is determined by my mom, had gained 15 unwanted pounds over the past year, which, like me, he always struggles to take off and then puts it back on. He is a sweet tooth like me, too! About 2 months ago, my mom finally broke down and asked to read the book. I gave her my printed copy and she read it in a day, went online and ordered your book for herself and started her and my dad on the 6-week plan the next day. My mom’s weight loss has been much slower (she doesn’t have a lot to lose), but my dad, who was very resistant at first by the way, has lost 15 pounds and looks and feels great! He satisfies his sugar cravings, which have decreased a lot, by the way, with a square or two of organic dark chocolate or occasionally a scoop of Coconut Bliss. I am so happy that they decided on their own to change their way of eating. I didn’t even have to convince them, they could see the results! Thank you for asking all of us to share our stories. Your book has really changed my life. I always look forward to your emails and I try your recipe suggestions, so keep them coming!"

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